¿Qué es ChildFund Rugby?

ChildFund Rugby se asocia en todo el mundo para utilizar el rugby como una poderosa herramienta para impulsar un impacto social positivo en las comunidades vulnerables.

A través del rugby integrado y el aprendizaje de habilidades para la vida, los jóvenes de comunidades vulnerables están preparados para superar desafíos, inspirar un cambio social positivo y asumir roles de liderazgo activo dentro de sus comunidades.

Más información sobre cómo utilizamos el poder del rugby para generar cambios:

Nuestra ambición de impacto

Hasta la fecha, ChildFund Rugby se ha asociado en más de 30 países de todo el mundo.

Nuestra ambición es brindar a 500.000 niños la oportunidad de aprender a través del rugby, apoyándolos no solo el desarrollo del liderazgo y las habilidades para la vida, sino también el crecimiento del juego.

“En asociación con World Rugby, podemos poner en acción la solidaridad, la integridad y el respeto a través del gran juego y dar a los jóvenes una visión diferente de su futuro.”

Margaret Sheehan, CEO, ChildFund Australia


“Es inspirador ver a la comunidad del rugby marcando una diferencia real en las vidas de todo el mundo y confío en que junto con ChildFund Rugby, World Rugby se continuarán creando resultados positivos para los jóvenes vulnerables de todo el mundo.”

Alan Gilpin, CEO, World Rugby

I am very pleased to see that World Rugby and ChildFund are joining forces for the Rugby World Cup 2019. Through this partnership, vulnerable children in Asia will get the opportunity to play rugby, and also benefit from a program which will give them important, and life-long, skills and knowledge.

John Eales AM, captain of the 1999 World Cup winning Wallabies

Bringing young women and girls from disadvantaged countries into the game of rugby is great in itself, but using the game as a development tool of their young lives is amazing and innovative.

Ciaran Fitzgerald, former British and Irish Lions Captain

During ChildFund Pass It Back life skills sessions, the players can share their thoughts or feelings with their teammates, and talk to their coaches in confidence. The players always get the support they need.

Truong, ChildFund Pass It Back Coach, Vietnam

It is a privilege to travel to these communities and support the development of new talent. I am particularly impressed that in Laos and Vietnam, where rugby is a relatively new sport, so many girls and young women are jumping in and giving it a go.

Nicole Beck, Aussie Sevens star and Olympic gold-medallist

I want to help involve as many Lao girls and women from rural and remote communities as possible in rugby so they too can feel brave and strong.

Lao Khang, former coach with ChildFund Pass It Back and member of the Lao Women’s National Rugby team

In Vietnam, children in rural areas do not have much chance to play like the kids in big cities. I bring something fun for them to play and I am happy with that. Coaches also share their own real life experiences to facilitate life-skills discussions.

Huyen, ChildFund Pass It Back Coach, Vietnam

As a transformational rugby for good program, ChildFund Pass It Back is a perfect embodiment of how sport can inspire social change. We are excited about the impact rugby can have for thousands of children within Asia, the world’s most populous and youthful continent.

Brett Gosper, CEO, World Rugby